The Summer That Almost Wasn't

The Summer That Almost Wasn’t


It’s Summer 2020, and we’re “somewhat” out of quarantine, but as news reports spout on the daily, it can all be snatched away from us at any moment.


Here in Michigan, we finally have some sunshine and warmth after a spring that never was, and when I say heat, I mean it.


I’m begging each of you to LIVE IN THE MOMENT this month. After the events around the world, it is absolutely clear that we have very little control of what happens next.


We might be here today and gone tomorrow.


Our careers and businesses are mere shadows that can be eliminated at the next utterance of “shut down.”


I have to admit, I thought I could just wait it out. I thought we could just push the pause button until Covid-19 was figured out and then we’d all get back to normal.


But after 5 months of total uncertainty and utter chaos, I’ve realized there’s no going back.


And that’s not such a bad thing.


This virus has given us the gift of time. We’ve been forced to stop the inane busy-ness we’ve become accustomed to.


We’ve had to look at the walls of our own homes for days upon weeks upon months, and it seems like a lot of people aren’t too happy with their walls.


And let’s not forget that we’ve really gotten cozy with our family members, and for some, you realize how much you’ve missed spending time with them, and for others, you realize there’s a reason why you keep yourself so busy outside the home.


We can’t forget working remotely. It felt pretty good not to have to wear makeup, do our hair, shave, or even wear pants.


Some of us discovered that working from home is great, and some discovered that isolation kills.


But all startling realizations aside, we deserve a little calm. We need a little peace. We have earned a good long month of front porch sitting, iced rose drinking, barbeque chicken eating, watermelon seed spitting, good book reading, and passionate loving.


It is summer, after all!


I am in great need of all the juicy goodness that July in Michigan offers, so I am just going to SOAK IT ALL IN!


Let’s promise to do that for July, can we? Can we live in the moment, be here now, feel the feelings, smell the smells, and take notice of every single beautiful thing?


We are alive. We survived the pandemic (so far). Not everyone did.


And while we should not make light of the dangers still present, or the losses already felt, we should also LIVE.


I know damn well none of those who’ve passed would want you sitting around, quarantining inside, and not participating (safely) in all that life has to offer.  


I do love my life.


It wasn’t always so. I remember depression and despair as if it is tattooed on my arm. I never want to go back there, and I don’t want you to go there either.


So if you can take a break from pointing out how everyone else is doing everything wrong, that’d be great.




And if you could be grateful you made it this far, that’d also be helpful.


See? Feels good, doesn’t it?


And if you will promise to live, laugh, and love in this steamy month of July, I’d be so damn proud of you.


When was the last time you heard that?


How about it, Darl. Are you with me? Can you live in the moment? Can you be present and pleasant?


We are solid in our understanding that nobody is promised an August. 2020 Ain’t playin’.


Let’s Be Here Now. ;-)


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